
They are in fact total bullshit. The list of movies where critics scores are significantly lower than user scores keeps growing. Take Red Notice from 2021: 37% Critics Score, 92% User Score...

Critics today are mostly out of touch, and think pretty highly of themselves...

And then, once the robots are dead, we’ll do King Kong with the Rancor!

This is the game I’m looking forward to the most this year. It looks so absurd and over the top... like a GTA pokemon world.

That’s really disappointing, my wife and I enjoyed it a lot. A sophomore season could have probably helped fine tune aspects of the show for the people who couldn’t get over their love of the anime.

I believe the order should have been Sonic, Sonic Returns, Sonic Forever, and then Sonic and Knuckles, where Sonic has nips...

78?!?! Dude looks ancient in that photo at the top....

Aren’t all of the Hallmark “Christmas” movies not really about Christmas? Most of them are about finding love, and said finding takes place around Christmas.
I’m sure the hamfisting of Chanukah into a rom-com is offensive at best. what they really need to do is have their hero/heroine doing Chanukah things, and not

“Imagine if something you invented was stolen from you and then marketed and sold to customers around the world. That is exactly what Team-Xecutor was doing,”

This is it for me, I’m done with Kotaku. Your story is a good read, but this is not a review, and there are so, soooo many mistakes in the article ranging from grammar to truly terrible takes... I’m out.

This one is egregious. Literally no editing was done on it, and it shows, cuz they’d have caught it in the first 10 seconds of reading.

Hahahaha you definitely didn’t watch the special, and it’s clear that you have no idea what he said or how he feels beyond what someone else wrote about him. Do yourself a favor and do your own real research (watch his standup) or take your uninformed opinion and exit the conversation.

I was of the opinion (and could be dead wrong) that it wasn’t that the stones didn’t work. It was that the TVA was so powerful that they had no use for the stones, which to me means way more than, “Oh, magic doesn’t work here.” The idea that we spent the last decade being worried who or what would collect all of the

I’m shocked! This is seriously some hard hitting journalism right here.

Are they fans? Generally speaking, fans like the things they are fans of. These people sound like they just like to complain.


Imagine spending 20 years and not trying aggro scumming... Seems like a real basic bitch concept, and nobody tried it until now?? Woof, there are some real dumb dumbs speed running this game.

You said “Honestly” twice.

Only it is, because Nintendo Australia—presumably as a result of constant Covid lockdowns in the city they’re based, Melbourne

“We’re gonna walk out!! Not today, of course... but another day.”

What is the point of walking out if you plan it for a date in the future? Just walk out. Do these people need to finish some last minute details on their work before they walk out?? The point of walking out is so that the company feels the hit. If the

RIGHT?!?! My first thought to this was, “How many of the 1000 people are signing this to save their own ass?”