I don’t think she knows what “Long story short” means...
I don’t think she knows what “Long story short” means...
There’s apparently a running joke in Avengers: Endgame (that’s right, I haven’t seen it!!!)
It’s Miss Bridget to you...
Ooooo Millie Brown, a child, is giving out acting lessons? Better take some notes!
The Root in 75 years: KaEpErNiCk’S DeAd BoDy StIlL dOeSn’T hAvE a JoB!
Am I the only one who would have bought these beers?
Being able to watch this in GIF form is really nice... I had to rewind this multiple times while watching the game to figure out what he was doing. He must have lost track of the ball, because he’s almost nowhere near it when he jumps(?) into the wall.
It’s a nice reminder that the Orioles are truly terrible.
I dunno, I thought Patman was pretty good...
The Fast and the Furious 4 was just called Fast and Furious... Other mediums have this problem as well.
The misinterpretation of the data from this study is so bizarre that I can only surmise that you’re willfully trying to deceive people. To what end, I’m unsure, but it’s astounding that you were able to publish this. Shame on you.
I thought it was SJP for a second...
Crazy, I actually owned this strategy guide, and it was absolutely useless...
Sounds like some diplomatic bullshit... “Oh I’m okay that I got fired, and that later they wanted me back...”
Let’s be real, he walked back into that office and said, “You’re gonna pay me a helluva lot more than you were going to. Play stupid games, win stupid prices... My price went up, bitch!”
Why are you covering this? It’s stupid...
To be fair, I probably shouldn’t have used the PETA example, seeing as they’re definitely a garbage non-profit.
And I get your point about Wendy’s speaking up and defending itself, however maybe Wendy’s is just not giving in to outrage culture... Probably not, but one can hope.
Hahahahaha what a dummy...
I was being sarcastic/facetious, but if you really want to get into it....
The idea that “You’re either with us or your against us” is a logical fallacy. I can not join PETA and still be against animal cruelty. Likewise, Wendy’s can not join the FFP, and still be against raping women. Furthermore, it’s implied by…