
The Nissan Juke is further down the ass-ugly tree than an Aztek. It looks like a next-gen Aztek. Or a retro Aztek. Who knows, but it is as if the Aztek had an uglier sister.

Pale yellow (only on certain cars)

@jedchev: I agree, I had a Cutlass once with a burgundy interior. It was perfect. Except you've brought to mind something I lament more than charcoal-or-tan interiors: The loss of the velour seat.

For some reason I read the headline as "The Toyota Highlander Is Breathing Asbestos" and was surprised when that isn't what the article said when I clicked on it.

A kidnapped Button would have added more drama to the race. Maybe Bernie set it up.

Who is that narrating, Alec Baldwin?

The mechanic who did some work on my vintage VW told me that 944s are a problem because they develop suspension issues which usually cost more than the value of the car to repair.

He doesn't mention the potential military application.

Today it is the GPW, one of these days I will buy one for tooling around the neighborhood.

That'd look pretty odd sticking half way out of my shed.

I often wonder if the staff here are actually half British, or if they are just those Americans who say things like "jumpers."

My dad went to lunch with a client in the client's Cadillac. Afterwards they left and got a few blocks away when the guy reached in his console for his sunglasses and realized he had the wrong car.


@teampunkass: They never got the Camaro design to look right on it, why stop there?

A rental.

Growing up my uncle drank a lot of vodka, flew airplanes and drove a late 70s Town Car.

I think they should have called him something else and given him a different color. Then they could have had a The ____ vs. The Stig crossover event.