Mindless Self Indulgence

It’s OK, I’ve heard that if you pack it full of rice for a few days it’ll be alright.

Several bystanders tried to stop the car when they noticed it rolling down the hill toward the pond

No one hates the Cubs more than I do, but christ, just let them have their fun for another day before going on seemingly pointless rants about how they may or may not end up like Boston fans. As Barry said, they get until their parade and then they can go fuck themselves (paraphrasing).

Instead we will have Hillary dressed like this for four years...

You won’t see one after this weekend. Presidents don’t need to advertise.

We also heard from the seller, and he was rightfully miffed at the result.

I feel like actors should hate those ads. Like... are they not real people? Seems like a pretty brutal thing to say just based on someones job!

If I ever get rich, I’m buying a DB7 and putting a ‘99 Mustang body conversion.

I will never understand the need to ruin cars with bodykits resembling other cars.

There is so much photoshop going on in that pic, I don’t know if we can legally say that is Jane Seymour anymore.

Not as busy and overdesigned as the new Civic.

I can’t comment on the God Bless America thing, but he’s right that Gabbert is a better choice at this point for the 49ers. I don’t see how that can be interpreted as racist.

I think we can rule out Derrick as a suspect if you just review his shooting percentage

Deadspin must be world class yogis at mental gymnastics. I’ve literally never seen a group of such sanctimonious people about journalistic ethics do an about-face.

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

Yeah how dare she ever be friends with someone with a differing viewpoint! We should personally hate conservatives and not just disagree with their views!

Seriously. She’s disagreeing with them while upholding and defending their right to express their opinion.

Eh, I know I probably shouldn’t but I tend to give people who lived through WW2 a little bit of leeway on being stupid about this sort of thing.

First they came for the clowns, and I didn’t speak up, because I’m a mime, and mimes don’t break character for no fucking krazy klownz.

All I know is, anyone who puts on a scary clown outfit nowadays had some pretty big shoes to fill.