As soon as I read that sentence, I was like, “Doesn’t Jolie look just like her mother?” And lo and behold, google confirmed that I was right.
As soon as I read that sentence, I was like, “Doesn’t Jolie look just like her mother?” And lo and behold, google confirmed that I was right.
Ah, so you weren’t attempting to make a point about the article in question. You were concern trolling Catholics. Whatever, got it.
What makes it even worse is that Jez doesn’t even walk the walk when it comes to being a proverbial “perfect” feminist.
Jezebel: Making perfect the enemy of good since 2008.
Stop victim blaming and telling people how they should react to scary events. There is a reason terrorists use the tactics they do, and you yelling “HEY STOP LETTING THE TERRORISTS SCARE YOU” doesn’t help the situation and makes you seem incredibly insensitive.
FS likes to play alpha of the playground round here. So take anything he says with a grain of salt.
She’s really helped me out of bind with my “Racist ABC book”
Pretty broad
I know, right! Same shit, different day. Not to mention the fact that if she weren’t white, that idiotic little rebuttal after she got fired about being a “white lady who’s an easy target” would have come back to bite her in the ass HARD, and she would have been accused of being a “reverse racist” who’s playing the…
I was so mad when he was like “you just don’t talk about it" like YEAH YOU DO OR ITS CALLED CHEATING
I try not to complain too much to my BF
Only a week after Donald Trump, a walking pile of reanimated roadkill, said Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s ruling to have…