Great topic.
Great topic.
Most of the problem is people didn’t maintain them, leading to their early demise.
FINALLY! I’ve loved these minivans since I first saw them when I was young. These are cool no matter what. Hipsters; kindly fuck the fuck off, you fucks. DON’T RUIN THIS FOR EVERYONE.
Horses are rarely for work. Most people who actually work use much smaller and older pickups.
With a little romance with Jeep Cherokee.
So true, growing up my parents had a 1984 Olds Delta 88 with a the 307 v-8 they we bought in 1986. Had that car from first grade until it started crapping out on me at the end of high school in 97. The old 3.8s in the 80s were terribly slow. Swap it out and put in a v-8!
This is a beautiful car for me, with greek lines and proportions.
Indeed, we had some clunkers through the 80's, but the B-bodies were not on that list. Even a 3.8 version was acceptable. Slow, but acceptable.
My Grandpa offered to give me his 87 Caprice Classic with similar mileage (80k Kilometers) on it a few years ago. I had nowhere to put it or not sure what to do with it so I passed it up. But man do those things ever ride nice compared to most vehicles today. Felt like I was riding on a cloud! They aren’t no slouch…
My first car was an 84 Caprice that I busted my ass bagging groceries for (I paid $700 cash for it in high school). This car is like velvet choclately sexual nostalgia to me.
Yeah, these are really hard to find not ruined.
Is this real life? Because I’ll be damned if that isn’t one of the loveliest interior photos I’ve ever seen.
Ballaban, you have never been more wrong. I will resist the urge to call you names, because I genuinely like you and your writing. This Impala is a simple V8 swap away from perfection. GM B-bodies are such great cruising vehicles, and frankly not that big or hard to park for anybody with a modicum of spatial…
oh, the production car is lovely! and yes, a production jetta coupe would’ve been nice
“Italian styling” “performance” “Heritage”
Even around 200hp at the rear wheels, things can get away from you in the wet if you don’t know what you’re doing — especially with less than stellar tires.
Just about any RWD car with 300Hp or better can get loose on a wet road surface especially when too much throttle is applied. Natually it had to be a Mustang to demonstrate this effect.
I saw this show up on my Facebook feed earlier, I instantly recognized it as the 140S. Still mad they did not make it.