Socialists on Dirtbikes

Ha! Ha! Isn’t it lovely to be rich and famous! One of my favorite things about it is that at any time I can do something infinitely cooler, more exclusive, and more fun than trying to win over every last person on a failing social-media network run by morons. Now let us go test-drive Lamborghinis and crash them and

Hardly. His bio shows a ton of administrative and policy experience.

I know this is pedantic, but it’s relevant: The original Apple Watch is not the same as the Series 1. The Series 1 has a dual-core processor that the original Watch (Series 0, if you want) did not.

This is some excellent self-parody, HamNo.

I don’t think that’s his suggestion. Rich people can afford to take risks (and probably became rich by doing so), so they can put up the capital to invest in non-indexed companies. The rest of us just need a stable, successful, no-nonsense investment vehicle. So why not use one that doesn’t waste money by funneling it

Ryan seems to have an odd fixation on Brandon Weeden. This is what he said at a campaign rally in August 2012: “And I’m a big football fan, that Brandon Weeden, I think you’ve got a good quarterback. This guy was great at Oklahoma State. You’re going to have a good quarterback there, so I see a good future for the

I own the previous iteration of this TV (love it) and it is possible to all-but-entirely disable the “smart” functions, though I had to download the full manual online to learn how to do that. I’ll use the built-in Roku stuff though until the hardware can’t keep up.

The Democrats, as a party, don’t really play to irrational fears on the issue – it’s not party doctrine like denying climate change is to the GOP. That said, someone who calls for labeling is more likely than not to be a Democrat (or conspiracy-minded, regardless of ideology).