Sydney was insane. Athena X is frigging insane and watching “who are you calling fake?” Trout-Lips’ mouth move is like watching bugs trapped in latex.
Sydney was insane. Athena X is frigging insane and watching “who are you calling fake?” Trout-Lips’ mouth move is like watching bugs trapped in latex.
I miss Melbourne SO much. I also deeply enjoyed Auckland.
The only good thing about Malibu was it actually reminded people Hole had a song with that same title out first and it was WAY better, so better Courtney can’t even see Miley in the rear-view mirror.
the smirk at the end... dying.
So why click the article?
I have reacted to this the same way I reacted to the first single, i.e. declared it to be a tyre fire and then immediately committed to listening to it on repeat for the next three days solid in the sure knowledge that I am going to end up accidentally loving it. I am so confused in my feelings. I am liking both posts…
I thought LWYMMD was a hot mess when I first heard it but I have since listened to it approx 800 times and I love it and I am angry about that
She may be evil. But goddammit, she’s an evil GENIUS.
Favorite reaction so far.