
The team originally said that Cespedes wouldn’t kill the pig, but that wording only meant that he wouldn’t be the one slaughtering it

[requests trade to Mets]

I believe the word you’re looking for is “soirée”

The Thunder traded away a first round pick for Waiters. Can we finally admit that Sam Presti isn’t that great at his job? At the very least, he’s awful at trades, which is a pretty significant part of his job.

If you redid the 2012 draft, where does Lillard go? Obviously Anthony Davis still goes first, but who goes second? Drummond? Lillard? ...Draymond? (although I’m of the opinion that Draymond wouldn’t be DRAYMOND without Steph Curry...he’s really really good and would be a top player on any team, but he also gets to run

Appropriately, it’s been a long 2 seasons with Scott as coach.

Anyone else notice that the teams owned by “new money” all suck on the field, while the “old money” teams consistently reach the Super Bowl?

I don’t think Cam “quit”. He’s never been soft. But I do think he hesitated a bit there.

When you go out in warmups and wear cleats that are golden and say MVP, you're clearly begging for some attention. If you're that prepared for praise you should probably expect some criticism to the same level on the other end if things backfire.

It’s true that nobody likes losing. But when you can’t handle losing, you are a baby, and deserve to be called one.

Does this make it better though? Cam’s response to people complaining about his celebrations was if you don’t like it, stop me (which I completely agree with) but when somebody did just that, he can’t handle being on the other end of it? I like Newton, but this just wasn’t a good look for him.

And here I thought I’d have to wait until the game to see a statue repeatedly knocked over.

Sure Jesus’s jump shot his rookie year got criticized, but even his fiercest critics had to admit he hung tough on the boards.

Tom had the greatest Twitter burn of all time:

Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.

The grumpiest head coach in the NBA? Wow, it really is true what they say that everyone forgets about the Spurs until the playoffs.

That’s a messed-up way to treat people, man.

Or he’s trolling Jason Pierre-Paul.

I'm pretty certain that 48 year old Deion today would scold 25 year old Deion from back in the day and offer up the same critique. It's called maturity, and the fact that he's developed some shouldn't be held against him. If we were to do that, everything a mature adult says would be classified as hypocrisy, because