The Giants might not be on the hook, but it sounds like Jason Pierre Paul will be very soon.
The Giants might not be on the hook, but it sounds like Jason Pierre Paul will be very soon.
BBC radio is quite good (well, bits of it are, the peado ex-DJs not so much). I miss Radio 4 and 5 Live a lot now I don’t live in the UK.
For your information, he was going to sell that ball to help pay for that boat to go to college.
You won’t be so thrilled when they have a dog kissing a tree on Kiss Cam.
Hey man, quit leaving notes on my Hummer.
Not seen in the photo above, the ball actually left the park. He got winded and decided to stay at first base.
Not sure which applause gif adequately expresses my approval of this comment, so I'll just give it a star and a +1. Job well done.
You keep posting this multiple times per article, in multiple articles. You are SUPER invested in telling women that they are wrong about their own goddamn bodies.
9/11 Truthers Love Pete Carroll
Nothing new for the NFL to look at a video and then do nothing about it.
Storm also called bullshit—in so many words—on the NFL's zero-tolerance policy
Since no one could agree on how much contact should be allowed, the league decided that no contact would be allowed.
At least in death Borislow leaves behind a legacy. Well, technically it's Hope Solo's Subaru and it's probably going to be towed.
Dumb men don't know that you shouldn't go anywhere near a pool when you're on your cycle.
I'm a Bruins fan, but there's no way I'm buying the "they hit 13 posts so they must have been unlucky and should have won the series" argument. Hitting that many posts is a sign of bad finishing skills and tight hands, neither of which have anything to do with luck.
When questioned about his decision to send the letter, Snyder explained that it was insensitive to the Native American community for Arrington to call himself a "Redskin" when he was clearly "a Brown."
It's hard to imagine that, for something this important, a guy could just skate by with almost zero scrutiny. That a guy with none of the requisite qualifications could just slip through the screening process, past dozen of checks, and be allowed to wander - befuddledly - into the inner sanctum of power, interacting…
Sorry, Clutch, but the role of hot air-filled cartoon character in a basketball uniform who likes to hang out where Rockets veer wildly off course has already been filled by Dennis Rodman.
So GQ sent me down to Monroe, La. (GUMBO GUMBO GUMBO), to hang out with the Duck Dynasty family. You can read the…