
Enjoy getting beached on a discarded soda can.

Most powerful headlights? Wow! Sign me up!

More than likely rental rims, at that.

Luxury cars? Pretty soon it's going to be all cars. Can you even buy a car without an LCD screen now? Mandatory backup cameras, mandatory brake-assist front radar ... lots more stuff to break.

It looks like a bathtub


Proportions all wrong for a roadster, looks a mess.

But this isn't him, it's Adrian Sutil.

Best part of a decade ago ... I bet 95% of current Jalop readers wouldn't get the reference.

And my third choice for Pat: a Porsche Panamera. Yes, it's big, and it's ugly, and it's unwieldy. But I had a Panamera GTS until I smashed it into a 1990s Ford Explorer with roughly the velocity of a bowling ball hitting a prairie dog, and let me tell you this: the Panamera is tons of fun to drive. (Literally tons;

3. 2015 WRX, owned by same pal (who also makes Kartboy parts for Subaru, talented engineer) tuned for E85. Is already kind of a POS but cheap enough not to care. Wife semi-disappointed. Boys into it.

I hear they have no good cotomer sevis.

Yeah, for some reason part of the merc looked like a rear door handle.

How did you find the Cayman? 3.4 S? Any IMS bearing or bore warping issues?

Duh, looking again I see it's an E30. Glancing at it I somehow saw a rear door handle.

Yep. I remember when 100hp:L was a big deal.

Looks like you picked the teledials? Excellent taste :)

Is that a 190E Cosworth? Pretty cool!

Lombard RAC Rally!