Most powerful headlights? Wow! Sign me up!
More than likely rental rims, at that.
Luxury cars? Pretty soon it's going to be all cars. Can you even buy a car without an LCD screen now? Mandatory backup cameras, mandatory brake-assist front radar ... lots more stuff to break.
It looks like a bathtub
Best part of a decade ago ... I bet 95% of current Jalop readers wouldn't get the reference.
And my third choice for Pat: a Porsche Panamera. Yes, it's big, and it's ugly, and it's unwieldy. But I had a Panamera GTS until I smashed it into a 1990s Ford Explorer with roughly the velocity of a bowling ball hitting a prairie dog, and let me tell you this: the Panamera is tons of fun to drive. (Literally tons;…
3. 2015 WRX, owned by same pal (who also makes Kartboy parts for Subaru, talented engineer) tuned for E85. Is already kind of a POS but cheap enough not to care. Wife semi-disappointed. Boys into it.
Yeah, for some reason part of the merc looked like a rear door handle.
How did you find the Cayman? 3.4 S? Any IMS bearing or bore warping issues?
Duh, looking again I see it's an E30. Glancing at it I somehow saw a rear door handle.
Yep. I remember when 100hp:L was a big deal.
Looks like you picked the teledials? Excellent taste :)
Is that a 190E Cosworth? Pretty cool!
Lombard RAC Rally!