
With turbos though. NA is another matter.

The car has a (half?) cage and six-point belts, as well as carbon seats.

Damn it, beaten to the punch!

Actually hideous.

Came here to post a Busso video, thanks for saving me the effort :)

'Our' girlfriend??

I think Audi have been the most egregious offender with their strips of tacky Xmas LEDs.

Game over, YEAH!!!

Image search results for practically any car seem to be 90% shittily moddified ones. Especially anything at all gearhead-y. I think it's self-selection – people take photos to show off their wicked awesome mods, whereas folks with regular unmolested vehicles see no reason to document them.

Best of luck heel-toeing with that!

The DS isn't everyone's cup of hydraulic fluid, but I personally love the cyborg-shark look of the car. I'm marking down this particular one a bit because, as a US-spec model, Uncle Stupid decided that the amazing glassed-over, directional headlights used in Europe were too good for us, so US DSes got a pair of

Same, manual and RWD would make it an easy call. And going back to the topic, even 340hp can hardly be enjoyed properly on public roads.

Yeah, from sims and in-car cameras I'm familiar with that, but it's bad enough cab-forward. Another 3 feet of hood is not gonna help at all.

I'm guessing visibility over these fenders isn't fantastic.

The six makes a better sound too.

Not forgetting the RV8:

You have to go pre-2009 for a cheap 987, and then ... IMS bearing failures and bore warping. Very pricey relative to the cost of the car if you do suffer one of those, but they're too cheap to stick an expensive warranty on.

The 3.4 seems to suffer from the bore-warping/scoring issue more too, probably because it runs hotter that the 2.7, and the cylinder walls are thinner due to increased diameter. That issue affected the 996's 3.4 and 3.6 engines too.

Seen here in non-Martini guise for our friends in the east.

In reference to the 2014 power units, there's much more to Mercedes' success than just 'it has a split turbo'.