Sorry to hear that. :(
I'm loving the mulitplayer, but getting by with the campaign. I'm tired of my team mates stupid ai, the sometimes ambiguous objectives and the occasional glitches where a .50 caliber equipped jeep is firing at me with no one inside of it.
I'd never noticed that, huh.
Physicists actually use "The Land Before Time Equation" to solve for some impossible variables.
Thanks for doing this.
It does make a lot of sense when you put it like that.
This is starting to look like a diagram for a National Treasure movie.
This looks like it could be a lot of fun for kids and a couple of their friends. I mean they'll need something else to do after they watch their copy of The Little Mermaid 9: Sebastian's Last Bastion right?
It sometimes helps to have an experienced opinion on matters, especially when your money is on the line. You should always remember however, that it is just an opinion.
You're in the wrong article, you're making too much sense!
I think they're clearly stating their opinions that there are other more "deserving" games for your money. You can still buy it, they are just letting you know if they would do the same.
I preferred BOGT over the main story. I think both were better, but BOGT ways a lot more "fun" than either of the other two (stories) for IV.
I believe that I'd gotten about 98% done. I'd given up on a few of those stupid timed, vehicle challenges though.
Those last two panels are brilliant.
Owen, have you thought of a title for any of these? Might I suggest #5 be something along the lines of- "Eskimo Pie"?