Amazing. Bungie you're great.
Owen, was the title for this stock image something like: "prospective actors sitting in the Brazzers waiting room"?
I felt Borderlands 2 was enjoyable, but redundant. I should probably finish it before making any definite judgement, but after playing for about ten hours it continually felt like Borderlands 2.5. This would've been fine if I hadn't played the first one to death.
Well as much as I'm sure Capcom wants to please you- the consumer, they're also a business. Because of this they need to continue making money, so for them to make a less expensive (less than creating a new game entirely that is) port of a game on a different system means that they might attract more consumers such…
Mean. Curvaceous. Fantastic.
Leprosy can do that.
Someone really needs to make a game about you Jesus, you're a freakin' ninja. You switched their water to wine instantly. That takes true stealth.
So only $20 to make Spiderman look like he has down-syndrome?
The Chainsaw was just his rebellious phase.
I think this could be great for gaming. As an avid FPS gamer (shooters and adventure) this increases your field of view and adds significantly more in terms of immersion and situational awareness.
I'm actually vastly more interested in this than nvidia's new Shield portable. This leads me to believe that more companies will follow suit and engineer their towers to be this durable and compact. This is a pretty impressive engineering feat, I can't wait to see the specs and other logistics.
No, ignorant would be calling someone a dick and proceeding to label Steam as a primarily US nerd brand. With over 30 million (+) active users, Steam has a larger user base than XBOX Live, PSN and Nintendo's online service. Steam's actual profits have never been disclosed by Valve, but with ever increasing sales…
You Nintendo fanboys are some of the most delusional, bombastic kids on the internet.
Written quickly and poorly, my apologies.
For once, I agree with you.