I do hope that it's more than what I was originally thinking, your idea sounds pretty interesting.
I do hope that it's more than what I was originally thinking, your idea sounds pretty interesting.
Trust me I hate Best Buy, I worked there for over a year selling in their media department doing exceptionally well at selling products. I did so well that I got promoted (in title only) to oversee the other employees in that department. Then management changed and so did some of their policies. I now had a…
That's a shame, that almost makes your position seem irrelevant. I had a similar position at Macy's but only because I requested to have it.
Did you only work in stocking items? Because I was under the impression that there were associates that were there for selling the items you'd stocked in individual zones. When I worked in the media department at Best Buy I knew were most of the items were in the music, movie and video game sections. If I didn't…
Less even. Every retailer that I've worked I was expected to know about the product that I was selling and in my experiences the sales people didn't even know what products they had. I know that there are a lot of products in a store like Walmart, but it should be expected that when you're assigned a department that…
Minus the racism, this is almost every experience I have at Walmart.
Well at least you could take advantage of that glitch to get an easy kill. :)
After about a quarter of the bottle I couldn't keep it down, and let's just say that throwing up syrup is one of the worst things your body will endure. It's like freaking motor oil.
Upon further reading it says it is in fact October 1st (today) at 12:01 am, but that still doesn't explain why your restaurants haven't had the codes. :/
If this DLC is anything like the arena that you have to "prove" yourself in at the native's camp (towards the end of the game) then no thank you. That part was one of the most frustrating and disorienting parts of the game and I couldn't wait to be done with it.
*Spoilers in reply*
No deals on litres of cola? BTW, never actually try a syrup chugging contest, you'll thank me later.
Hot damn that's pretty. I have full faith in the game being awesome as well. :)
So you'd buy it (3D PS3 bundle) even though you don't like it and it would hurt your eyes? That seems silly. Most people that have money got there because they were good at making and investing it into making more money (Paris Hiltons & Arab Princes excluded).
"mindless horde of uncharted fanboys"? That's a new one, are you implying that only select fanboys have minds or that this is something that applies across the spectrum of fanboyness?
Damn, I was just about to head out for a sangwich. Maybe they mean next Saturday?
Appreciated but not necessary. :)
I'm really surprised to see NFS: The Run and no Forza 4 on the list. I know that the Need for Speed may be more well known, but I thought by now, with all of the amazing iterations before this latest installment that Forza would've had a significant following.
Our shit is fine, although after reading this article and your comment you might want to think about getting yours together.