
Then they can get Kojima to do a countdown for the countdown announcement.

Thanks for the kind words! :)


It's funny that you bring up all of those points, because I almost feel the exact opposite. I love Gears as well, but I feel like the character's movement controls (while designed in a specific fashion) are more sluggish and less fluid. The guns handle extremely well but the perfect reload feature gets tiresome. I

*You just unlock the insulin pen*

How fitting that an event called "Double XP" would be an opportunity to double your heart attack chances and die with the expression - XP - on your face.

Until the majority of people who game show an interest in healthy lifestyles and eating habits we'll continue to have crap like this.

I have to admit, I was thinking this too. I try not to be one of "those" guys, but this time I couldn't help it.

This changed my life.

I'm glad to see the armored units are back, they were missing from the beta and I was worried that they'd been tossed for this installment. Now let's just hope that they've reverted the ak's mechanics more closely to two's.

"Murder simulator"? If someone considers it that, then they should probably steer clear of Super Mario Bros. the "turtle killing simulator".

The blue grass feel still feels out of place, but it feels grittier and fits slightly more than Jay Z's rendition.

Dammit, so other than fish instead of birds, it's exactly like Angry Birds?

I'm going to have to disagree on all fronts. I thought it was one of his worst popular songs, I think it feels completely out of place with the footage (and it interferes pre-established marketing style for the game), and the chorus only mildly relates to war. In fact the chorus could mildly relate to just about

You're right, thanks for the head's up!

It was called "Three Leaf Clover" and I promoted a comment from earlier that has the attached video for it.

I promoted this for people to watch the clip.

I played the first one and it was a fun rental, but I just felt that it needed so much more to be good. There were just a lot of things wrong with it for me. :/

Are you using both of those statements as mutually exclusive or no?