Lol true. A guy I work with always tells me about how the drug dealer in his town drove a DeLorean and when you saw it coming, you knew to stay out of the way. I always found that kind of ironic that the drug dealer drove a DeLorean, especially considering what John DeLorean went through.
I'd take a DeLorean because they'd all think it was an alien space craft of some sort or that we all drove "futuristic" looking vehicles in the future. It'd be like in BTTF when Marty crashes into Old Man Peabody's barn and when he asks his son what it is, his son replies that it's a flying saucer. I've been searching…
My God that's awesome!
A friend I work with just bought two Infiniti Indy Car engines that were in Dan Wheldon's 2003 Indy car. They are 3.6L (I think), V8, 700+ hp, 11,000 RPM monsters. He is either planning on making a rat rod out of one and keeping the other for spare parts, or cleaning them both up and displaying them in his new house.…
He is one of mine as well and I hope to have the opportunity to meet him one day. I'd love to get a picture with him and his autograph. He's just such a likeable guy and he seems like a man with good morals.
I think he would make an awesome father. He would make for an awesome friend to have around as well. I think you could probably walk up to him and give him and hug and he'd hug you right back (no homo) and it would feel like hugging a father or relative who you've known all your life. He just seems like that kind of…
Yes it does. I love reading about Chernobyl and the surrounding abandoned towns and looking at pictures of them. I'd love to visit that area some day when it's safe for humans to spend more than a few hours in the area.
Ok so I know I'm a day late, but there is a Chrysler Conquest for sale on the local CL ([]). Do you all think $2200 is a good price? I love these damn cars!
Holy shit! Yes that is! Not that I would know who that was or anything like that...
Ah very true! He's trying to cover it up by claiming it was only $100k. Very observant of you!
The only thing we do right is football and hockey. Everything else, not so much.
You're correct in that belief. Nothing auto related happens in Pittsburgh ever except for the countries largest weekly car show in the summer that's in Wexford. I've told these schmucks about it several times and keep trying to get them to do an article about it, but no one around here wants to listen to little ol'…
Yea I know. I pointed out the same thing down below. Raphael dropped the ball on this article! Maybe he should, you know, try reading into it next time.
Actually, it was closer to $200k. It was all over the news here last night.
Speaking of Congo, if you've never read this guy's story, I suggest you take a few hours and do so. It's totally worth it. This could be made into a movie script and I'd bet it'd make millions. It's that good.
Hey that is pretty close to where I live.