
This is totally irrelevant to this website. Slow week kotaku?

Wow, I really thought mine would get picked.

Im really excited for tomorrow. I hope mine wins, but if it doesnt, my birthday still wont be a complete failure (okay, this is me shamelessly guilting kotaku into picking my entry, but in reality im just joking. Though, it really is my birthday tomorrow)

Okay, so valve released the system requirements for portal 2 a couple of months ago, but it was only one set of requirements (without a label, such as "recommended" or "minimum"). I was just wondering if anyone new what these specific settings are recommended or minimum.

Pre-ordered that shit today, and since spring break is late this year, I get to go to the midnight release. SWEET!!!

I feel the exclamation mark is cleverer (yes, thats a word), because its the exclamation mark nintendo uses for the safety section of their manuals.

teasers are fine, its gameplay trailers that ruin the experience

Now playing

This whole situation reminds me of the greatest movie quote of all time.

Thank you again then

The sarcasm really helps my self confidence (but if that was actually genuine, then thank you)

Please dont judge my actual photoshopping skills on this. Im a lot better than this shop reveals.

bad troll is bad

Wow, this was the longest april fools article ive ever seen

Theres a rather large difference between scifi and space opera

Valve should have a relief steam sale (i think they've done it before)

caught in a land slide

You guys realize the touchscreen is only an alternative, right?

Its funny because when I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange at my local opera house (new york), some people laughed too. I guess I can understand A Clockwork Orange (though some laughed during the rape sequence), but I cant find one funny moment in 2001. I guess its vintage value or something

The Social Network is one of those movies that could never possibly win best picture/director, but in 20 or 30 years will be seen as the better movie (then the kings speech or any of the other nominations for that matter).