
How well will my laptop hold up to bulletstorm?

How well will my laptop hold up?

They would rather charge too much for the pre-order so they could just give the rest back as opposed to selling it below the actual price and then having to say "yeah, give us more money".

@ubertrance: Thats a multi-touch track pad. The actually screen is also touch

@smcallah: Downgrading the resolution would be really easy. Its still uncharted 1 and not some portable knock off (even if it is optimized, its still awesome)

@Ludikhris: Download most likely. Doing away with physical media is the right step for portable gaming

Last thing they say "and it starts at the really competitive price point of 700 dollars".

If it can run uncharted 1, then shit is getting really intense.

@natedogXVI: Id be in the same situation, but my school is having midterms and I have no tests tomorrow (or friday) YEAAAH!!!!

But can he play crysis?

@keybladejon: turn v-sync off, works fine now (no lag at all)

@rolsenrob: I actually had to turn it off to make things better. Thanks for leading me into the right direction anyway.

Is it just me, or is the pc version of Dead Space feel "heavy" (as in killzone 2 heavy). Its defiantly not a framerate issue either.

@dmc666: All these comments are great. Its good to see more than a few opinions on this subject. I still feel rdr is the better of the two (mostly because me2's ending was pretty disappointing and rdr's was absolutely mindblowing). Thats only my opinion though, and I still respect all of yours.

I didnt know kill bill vol 3 was being filmed in russia

Not as good as this

@dmc666: Wait, never mind. Both teams still have the same director, which isnt helping it much

@DrakeDatsun: It is the same, they changed the name

@rolsenrob: Yeah, because they bought Team Bondi (as they eventually will with other open world developers). Thats like saying Speilberg producing Eagle Eye made it better.