
@Someone-Somewhere: im not trying to cover up my comment. it was a joke, and im sorry you took it the wrong way. unless your cliff bleszinski, why do you even care? let me explain what my intension was. cliff's pubic image is of him being an overconfident asshole. i acted like an over confident asshole (part of the

you could tell her its for work, or you could just play some sinatra by the fire.

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: i see where your going with this. so far avatars the best film to utilize (the best example, not best film) the tech, and im still not completely convinced. maybe in the future someone will do it justice

@dmc666: so far ive heard of all of these, and blazblue seems like my number 1 pick. probably because its something new.

i have played absolutely no fighting games of the current generation. i should probably pick one. any suggestions? (i only own a ps3)

@Mutatopotato: mostly everything is, including myself

it took awhile for 3D to catch on. once funders and film companies saw how much bank avatar was making, they took films that were already well into shooting and had them converted to 3D (once they were done at least). i think that trend ended with the last air bender. also, the article i was talking about had to do

@Kinshin: yes, because usually cars arent just a solid color. now havingshiny people, like gears of war. THATS realism.

@riceman: thats because they are real. the trick is, your controlling a real life car while a camera is constantly tracking it.

@nick_gc: to clarify, i meant that both MS and Sony shat out these to pieces of hardware because 1: ps3 slim was raping the 360 in sales, so MS shat out (meaning they reacted quickly)the new xbox. thats why its seems the new xbox is not as well built, or cheapy feeling. 2: the pspgo, is similar because sony knew if

the psp go, is probably the equivalent to the new xbox, except the new xbox is selling good

@Tycho Vhargon: found it. its converting 2D to 3D. this feels like one of those moments where you forget how to spell a reasonable word. i say so, because id say im above average tech savvy ;)

@Tycho Vhargon: i had to ask, because there was another article gizmodo posted, about 2D/3D tv's, or something. i understand the tech perfectly well, its just that bit was confusing. ill see if i can find the article

i feel stupid for asking, but 3D tv's can output in 2D, right?

@Shteve: yeah, this whole scenario reminds me of the song "prison song". all the money spent on prisoners like this (stupid crimes that should only get 5 years) could be spent more meaningfully.

hes probably only gonna serve 20 years. (maybe even 15, with a lot of community service)

@Someone-Somewhere: i was joking. you should have read the rest of the comments. hope you get banned jerk.

@bakagaijin: i probably should have put a ;)

@bakagaijin: technically i was pointing out the absurdity of my own comment by saying i was probably going to buy it anyway, just not for 60 bucks.