
Metroid: The Other M?

Mario is Missing? ;)

I don’t know why it makes a difference if it’s called Metal Gear. There have been other games in the series without Kojima’s involvement or developed by another studio. If the game’s fun why judge it based on MGSV? I feel like reviewers are gonna penalize this game just because of the Konami/Kojima situation.

I love the idea of not having a mini map but developers have to give their worlds personality and landmarks to provide direction if they want to turn off the mini map.

You hit the nail on the head.

What the hell is a nontheist? Is the word the only thing different between it and atheist?

“But as far as I know, no elected officials have been sworn in with a special edition DVD version of Cecil B. Demille’s The Ten Commandments”

Don’t forget to blame the blacks and latinos. Trump did better with those groups than Romney did in 2012.

So NOW I should believe in polls. Riiiight.

Many candidates have failed only to come back and win. Reagan lost the nomination in ‘76 only to win it in ‘80 and the presidency.

Good job Gizmodo. While misrepresenting Ken Bone, you cost $10,000 to charity and you made Ken Bone’s wife cry.

Stupid article. Improperly storing the battery was the problem here. It had nothing to do with vaping or a faulty battery.

All batteries come with instructions that say do not carry in pocket with metallic objects.

I haven’t watched any of them. Are any of them good? It’s even hard to keep track of them. Pete’s Dragon, The Jungle Book, Cinderella, Maleficent, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Alice In Wonderland

I think the DS especially used the two screens in a variety of ways. There was no scratching the surface but deep diving into using one screen as an input for touch gaming while the upper screen showed the action. Henry Hatsworth (and by extension Monster’s Tale), Metroid Prime Hunters, Puzzle Quest, Advance Wars,

I had one in the cat food last night. It’s in a metal dog food dish and when they come I can hear the dish rattling. I park the car right next to it or I would have shot him. I might have to start feeding the cats in the morning.

I wish they would rerun old wrestling shirts. That WCW Monday Night Jericho shirt is awesome.

I don’t see a problem with this gun maker being there because they make prop guns as well as real guns. They weren’t selling real guns either but promoting gun safety which is important. The author and the people who complained seem recreationally outraged.

As a Christian, I want a Jesus skin because he’s the true Lord and should be represented in my favorite video game.

But Black Jesus is my favorite.