
Thats not at all what the study says. Each of those bullets are examples of mishandling. Thats like saying fracturing contaminates the ground water when you accidentally inject it directly into ground water. Well of course it would. That would be the case with ANY industry including making those Tesla batteries.

No we aren’t. Loading windows on a phone is dumb...not a turning point..not an “era”

It seems to me that everyone loves this guy....but you gotta dig up some weak BS like this to hate on him just because trump picked him.

not a single tangible example given. great article.

I feel like I have to rewatch every episode to untangle the timeline. How many interviews were Delores were with the real Arnold in the past...and how many were with Bernard in the present?

I guess you forgot you posted this over 2 years ago...

Who provides all the milky semen?

Untreatable implies that a pair of glasses won’t even work. Surely that is not that case here.

used cds were a blip. people forgot about that in 99 when napster showed up.

Apple watch Q3 numbers come out and everyone is on the bandwagon that the watch market is going to shit.

I think people don’t understand the point of having a board. A good board doesn’t “run the company”. That’s the CEO’s job. A good board more of a sounding board or a deeply experienced focus group. If you don’t have a Peter Theil, you miss the perspective of like-minded people when you launch something.

Do gizmodo writers know they are the “random shit online”?

I’m calling Yanni on this one.

Quite the bulge though

Looks like someone figured out what to do with all those hoverboard batteries lying around.

you forgot a word in that last sentence william

Says someone who just took their first class at film school. This list is crap.

welcome back gawker