I’ve had a place name my whole life. Have loved it. No one asks me how to spell it.
I’ve had a place name my whole life. Have loved it. No one asks me how to spell it.
I’m guilty of this. But I’m not really doing it to help out. I’m typically doing it because I want to make some room on the table and don’t like being crowded by a mess on the table as I’m finishing up my chat with whoever I’ve with.
That.... sucks.
I always love these kinds of parenting tips.
“Live and let live. Don’t fret so much. Unless you are an American parent then you are definitely doing it wrong!”
If you drive a new car, by the time you (a normal person) starts the car up checks your cell phone one more time, buckles up, and backs out of the drive way, the car is ready to go.
“15. Brave”
You clearly sexist and have no daughters.
He wasn’t black... The girl was black.
As did Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush.
(do friends agree to go on the record for damning stories about their friends’ misery?)
$50 to tell me he’s still laying on the couch.
$50 to tell me he’s still laying on the couch.
This is a joke right? I mean, there this no possible way that thing could possibly be street legal.
I just wish SNL had made the whole episode the Celebrity Price is Right sketch.
Actually, if there is anything readily available in many developing nations its idle energy and time to warrant.
You, sir, are a curmudgeon.
Bless your heart.
Oh my gawd.
Please, please don’t let rich people lose money. *shutters*
The interest rate for home mortgages has been hovering around 3% for a decade. The interest rate deduction isn’t really that valuable to most people.
Luckily, there are at least 3 Republicans that are either not evil or will certainly view this tax plan as not evil enough for them.
“Man who voluntarily purchased a home in an HOA, signing all of the required HOA paperwork (and likely having his signature notarized at signing), complains about rules he knew good and well.”
-Every HOA story.
Wow, for such a pretentious writer, you don’t actually know anything about electric car charging. There are thousands of EV Fast charging stations in metro areas across the nation.