
“We ranked cities based on our NY perception of what we think they are. For example, Austin is #7 and Dallas is #47. None of us have ever actually been to either of those cities, nor do we know anyone who has. But we have heard Austin is cool, though we don’t know why, and Dallas sucks, though -again- we don’t know

“Don’t steal on a submarine.”

I don’t typically drink at parties, I just don’t like alcohol. I haven’t had that big of an issue with it.

You can already do that.

They are both wrong. By 2020 most people will be selling their cars for dirt cheap scrap because self driving taxis will make car ownership virtually obsolete.


And what percentage of those have fuel in their tanks?

The primary thing dooms-day futurists fail to explain is what motivation would the computers have to kill us all?

Take a step back from that. First, why are there evil humans? There are evil humans because we have millions of years of evolutionary history that instilled in us all “evil” desires that was once necessary

This is what really happens on Judgment Day when Machines become self aware:

Their CES appearance is not about selling you. It’s about getting investors. It took Tesla billions of dollars to bring a car to market from scratch. Lots of companies have tried. Almost all have failed.

No, it’ll just tell itself it’s a better driver than everyone else and since it was raised in Omaha, it knows how to drive in snow.

You can’t see through deep snow either. Doesn’t stop you from driving.

“Kia promises to be 10 years late in delivering their first self-driving car.”

Here is what your suggestion is missing: Skins.

Meanwhile, Nissan started selling the Leaf 5 years ago.

Seeing as how most web videos are viewed on hand-held screens that are designed to be most comfortably held in the vertical position, get over it.

While we are nit-picking, show me a car that can do a full front crash at 50 mph with no issues for the passenger.

I have a 2 yo too. Luckilly, he thinks all screens are basically netflix terminals. This is fine for now at my house, but it becomes problematic when we go over to grandma’s or someone else’s and he tries to slap their big TV screen to get it to turn on.

There is one big thing that explains a lot of your concern with the engine size: TIE fighters don’t have a hyper drive. The X-Wing does have a hyper drive which may explain the discrepancy in engine size.

... so you are confirming that you also believe that Apple intentionally cripples older devices with software upgrades?