
It’s called “lashing out” and this behavior doesn’t always provide a reasonable target.

I actually love Melee. Awwkward

Gygax’s excuse also extends to the medical field, because studies don’t test more women because of their menstrual cycle, and the article is from last month! I’m happy that women in the gaming field are trying to overcome this “cultural aversion.” We should be encouraging more people into STEM fields, and game

This is the type of awareness we need in order to help our fellow gamers who are handicapped enjoy the same experience that ones who are not. I would like to think of a way we (collectively) can help out. I am going to send an email to Ablegamers.

I just built this last month, and the parts alone were 160 dollars. Before wood, tools, paint, poly, and whatever my hourly labor rate would have been had I been paid to do it (it took my roughly 3 days to build, so lets say I made what I make at my job - $22 dollars per/h x 3 days at 8 hours a day = $528). So parts

I’m glad you asked. It is $1,530,000.

Meanwhile at the From Software offices...

Ugh, cold memories of playing Splatoon with remote friends using SPEAKERPHONE. It’s 2016!

The dialogue is solid, but it was the click of the old wedding ring against the phone mouthpiece that really elevates this work.

You, sir, just won the Comment Olympics. I’m dying.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.

I’m starting to wonder if I should feel ashamed for helping to kickstart this...

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

As an animator I can tell you it’s less of a technical challenge and more of a stylistic choice to do it or not. Most video game directors calling the shots do not come from an animation background and when you try to explain how breaking the rig and deforming the character will be an aesthetic plus and enhance the explicitly mentioned in the article.

I lost it at the Battlefront clip. Don’t know why, just did.

There’s also 2 point (edge on), 3 point (bird’s eye and worms eye), even 4 and 5 point... though, at that point we’re talking like fisheye distortion kinda stuff where parallel lines start to curve... sorry, I had a 15 week course on the subject, and it’s been pretty well drilled in, though working in video games, I