No, they don’t have the support of the U.S. Government. Stop with your bullshit.
No, they don’t have the support of the U.S. Government. Stop with your bullshit.
I like it. But still amusing to imagine a rouge clock radio engineer running around adding LED clock to each project.
The vest, reflective sunglasses, and power-balding CEO image is still kinda striking, though.
More to the point, can we talk about how Sony, for the life of itself can’t keep from putting a clock on that speaker? It’s like they have rogue clock radio engineers, freed from daily obligations since 1992, roaming the halls and sticking in 7-segment LEDs whenever they find an unlocked workstation.
Apple fan articles like this one are so obviously ignorant that I don’t know if the author is being ironic or they actually believe Apple has even the smallest claim of innovation in the products they release.
The backdrop, lighting, and pose (oh, and baldness) of the image you used is eerily similar to the infamous Bezos bicep pics. Is this the latest trend for rich CEOs?
Biased Much....
They both look like natural extensions of where home electronics design has been moving for quite awhile.
How on earth can anyone come to the conclusion that Sony ripped off Apple with the earphones, they look nothing like the Apple ones and have noise cancelling, unlike the inferior Apple ones and no doubt won’t fall out of your ears when you sneeze, so I’m guessing that everyone that released wire free earphones before…
Jesus Christ. The hatred you have for anyone that makes more money than an internet blogger is astounding.
What’s the advantage over a pixel though?
The “why is this special” question has puzzled me. Yes, the Essential Phone is pretty, but past that, what’s special?
“The first thing about the Essential Phone that grabs your attention is its design. Just look at it. “
The Essential Phone is the handset devised to fix everything Rubin and his team don’t like about the current state of technology
So if someone has cancer, but the cure only works on some people... Should it be withheld from the people that would be saved by it just because it doesnt work on everybody?
As mentioned in the article, it’s a technology problem. Nothing more. I work for a sensor manufacturer. It’s well known that optical sensors have difficulty detecting black objects.
Considering most car voice controls have trouble understanding “call Dave”, I think that tech is going to be a a while coming
To pile on this: What about the sunroof? I drive an mid size SUV with a panorama sunroof. The sunshade is opaque so that on a hot day, you can still feel the heat through the shade. But at least the square shape of the vehicle allows for a shade. The curvature of the Tesla doesn’t appear to allow for a simple…
Afraid people act irrationally.