
I drove a van in president clinton's motorcade in 2003. I also picked up his closest friend from childhood at the airport and delivered him to the Clintons' home in Chappaqua. It was a cool volunteer gig I got through a friend. I drove fast as fuck on closed roads while 8 secret service agents sat in back eating

All phone software updates are free usually

1: Mazda Miata

No one is forcing you to do anything. Stop being a dramatic bitch.

What work van?

Make sure you wink a lot! If you could take off a piece of clothing and leave it with the person it would be extra creepy.

you could have the words "sorry officer, I've forgotten my password" set the whole thing into motion.

Checked the full list to make sure my company wasn't on there. Since it's not, I can only assume the list can be trusted.

I'll just leave this here:

"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."

I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.

So let me get this straight. You're complaining about a man, who is the leader and pioneer of the most important milestone in modern personal transportation? The man who made the a vehicle that is top luxury, faster than most super cars, relatively affordable, and is all electric?

Yeah... I get it. Its super easy to make fun of Tesla and the perceived playthings of the rich they produce. But Tesla deserves way more credit than this article alludes to. Tesla is even now a TINY automaker with production that doesn't even make a blip on the radar compared to GM, Ford, Toyota and other major

"Lawyer" is not an insult. In most circles, "asshole" is. If you were not arguing with me I apologize. I am still waiting for someone to both 1) call me a name and 2) vigorously dispute one of these myths (preferably with the preface that they TL;dr'd the piece - which I know, you did not do).

What did I win? Also, i'm not sure that constitutes name calling but you're the lawyer not me. Also, I don't think I disputed anything you said just told you my experiences but again your the lawyer so i'm sure you can spin it to fit your argument.

Cool. You called me a name AND disputed one of the things I posted. We have a winner!

What gets me is that often if you choose to plead not guilty you have to pay additional fees. This means for the right to defend yourself you must risk now owing even more money. Clearly a system designed to get folks to plead guilty no matter what.


What the hell would you do with a removable drive if the power was out?