In Communist Russia, vending machines dispense you!
I realized that if you just mention the Miata in a comment on Jalopnik, you'll get a lot of upvotes on your comment
Try signing up for DansDeals twitter or text alerts/Check out the website. He covers all these types of deals (price glitches, flight deals, credit card point deals, etc.)
Blah Blah Blah how can you buy from Walmart? They treat their workers terribly Blah Blah Blah
You know, I never thought I'd see "popular" and "Google+" in the same sentence
I realized that you, Thorin are one of the only writers on the Gawker domain that replies to most of the comments. Thanks for that!
Shoots! Beat me to it!
Here is a site that tells you all the formats that Kindle supports and a way to convert the files that kindles don't support: http://ireaderreview.com/2008/01/19/wha…
I would love to see an iPod Touch 6th Gen. Also, when releasing a new OS every year, you just introduce more bugs and kinks in the system, and we therefore never get to have a great OS because there's no time to iron out the kinks before making a new one. It would be great if Apple would just make iOS 8 just work as…
"Action!" and then the action will start.
"Camera!" and the camera will come on.
Seems risky and that this could blow up in J&J's face if they aren't really careful. I can see the headline on the gawker network now, "college kid killed in car accident while donating a photo to educate teens about the dangers of texting and driving" or "donated photo to aid world hunger depicts group's gluttonous…
Thats cool! Thanks for the articulate answer!
Ya, but this Johnson & Johnson, they're probably not trying to compete with Google Maps or trying to make some social media network or image stream (like Getty)
Ya, whatever... still don't really get what Johnson & Johnson gains. You're not taking any pics relevant to Johnson & Johnson.
I still don't get what Johnson & Johnson gets out of this
Why else would I watch TV?