
Ya, whatever... still don't really get what Johnson & Johnson gains. You're not taking any pics relevant to Johnson & Johnson.

I still don't get what Johnson & Johnson gets out of this

Why else would I watch TV?

Same thing happens with my Kindle Paperwhite on my iMac

43. You don't count FYI?

Who said anything about MY backyard? The neighbors just did some landscaping though...



That little black bar on the bottom really pisses me off!

Dale Carnegie's:

This wallet is slim and good looking and still carries everything you need. It has 4 card pockets and the middle for cash. The middle is elastic and therefore expands to fit more cash 💰💰💰 :-). Also I love the whole "magic" wallet. Its cool. (Heres how it works)

Its sleek. It stretches. Its rubbery. And in a pinch (pun intended), it can be flicked at unsuspecting passerby! Need I say more?

"I also do a great impersonation of a hot dog..."

Saw this online...


With a name like that what do you expect?!

Ooh, good idea. He's going for that next time!

Oh my gosh, why does every innocent comment/picture/article have to be made into something racist/sexist/etc. ENOUGH!

If you get the cheap brands they shred your nose/butt and you bleed. Trust me, its not fun.

Im surprised no one mentioned libraries. You have to buy all ebooks. On the other hand, most paper books you can just borrow from the library. (Don't even mention Kindle Lending Library. You can only borrow one book a month and they barely have any books).