
I heard it was a longer episode because the first scene - with Locke on the beach - was originally supposed to be the opening scene of season 5, but then they bumped it to TLADOJB.

See, I don't see it as a "What now?" moment at all. More the opposite. All I can think about in that shot is the two completely different journeys the two respective leaders/tribes took in the 48+ days before that moment. And for that, I think it's quite effective.

Lost is my favorite piece of fiction in the known universe, but I was much more pissed about the Season 5 finale cliffhanger. **Spoilers** The whole season built up to the question "can you change the past?" and it punted that question. All I did after watching Exodus was drive to Wal-Mart at 2 AM to buy the Season 2

Yeah, I see what you're saying. But even then they were just labels for people, not anything particularly active, and nothing that could act as a "curse". Or was there something more to them and how they related to the candidates? I don't remember. I haven't watched season 6 in a while.

It's funny, after rewatching this a few weeks ago, I actually felt like the character story in "Numbers" was the most perfectly representative of what the series was trying to do. **Spoilers** In a lot of ways, the numbers were meaningless. Aside from being the code that was necessary to enter into the computer in the

But the fact that it was built at all was the reason they all crashed on the Island.

If you have Comcast, you can't use HBO GO on Roku. At least here in Chicago.

Just wonderful, Donna. Can't wait for the episode and your recap tonight.