Combaticus Redux

Just got off phone with my dad who still lives there, he said he got a robocall from Ivanka inviting him to the event. He laughed and said "F that!"

"Do you even know how to read?"
"Hey, I get by."

Did you get that pic i sent you of said donuts stacked on my rod?

I remember that "Afternoon Special"!!

Lol I've been sitting in my car for the last twenty minutes following this thread.
Hope no one's died yet.

I brought my own style of pluck and funk to this neck of the woods.
But mostly I've shared a lot if personal events with you all, including "Death By Enema", and for that, I'm grateful.

Don't forget the whoring for upvotes!


I was sent a NSFW video of the sun being blotted out by this guy's nutsack.
Eclipsed, indeed.

November Spawned A Trumpster.

Well, I'm gonna try my best, but also registered with the TI, and bookmarked the AVCAD.
There was a guy yester-day who posted a Chrome app that nests Kinja comments, but I forgot where I saw it.

Big Ben chimed its last.

The Sea of Japan.

Of course, can't have you popping up again as a White Walker, right?

"People are always asking me, 'Whats it all about, Alfie?'"

I will attempt to fit in here after the change, but knowing the AVC Commentariat will survive at other sites will provide the manna I need.
You all have been such wonderful community, and I hope to still see you on the other side.
Look for me in the stars!

Shouldn't you be getting ready for a 2 minute blood-sucking spree?

Total rain here in Vegas, we were only getting 70% anyway.

This is the best long game played since Prince penned "1999" in 1982.

Us cool kids never have the time, anyway.