Combaticus Redux

But which one will be played by Scaramucci?

Who knew Cousin Oliver was a misogynistic, racist troll?

What PR brain trust thought that would go over well?

Heh, "semi".

Trump's foul cabal has a ways to go to match Reagan Admin record 138 investigations/indictments/convictions.

KKKelvin I believe will be adopted by the ISU.

Hey Trump made it ok for them to march out in the open, loud and proud!

Ugh. Watching Trump trying to salvage his shitstorm of a Presidency.

Still can't get enough of "Backpack Fashion Show."

I liked Fast and Furious: It's Toonces' Time!

Fuckin' A, I did not know his last name in the movie was Toretto.


I wasn't, sorry if that came out that way. I got your point, and that tweet was just being read over the air as I was reading the thread.

As the resident Native American here, I can say that works on so many levels.

Which was precisely the point made by David Duke in his latest Tweet.
"White America put you in the Presidency, not leftist radicals."

Throw in "pear-shaped", and I think we have all bases covered.

Who in his Reich mind would listen to this guy?


"Google cancels town hall meeting abruptly."

"The pills Qyburn sold actually turned me Jaime into a mutant freak, as advertised! Will buy again."