
I spent plenty of time working fast food and other food service jobs and I worked those jobs back when we made $5.85 an hour & served for $2.15 + tips before people were guilt tripped into bigger tips. he’s right it’s their damn job stop crying and do your job or do what I did and get a different job.

I turned Skippy in to finish that mission but I did introduce him to comrad’s hammer made with maxed out crafting spec fully upgraded with a V spec'd towards handguns. Pre rebalance. Hitting for 400k+ per shot. It was very satisfying. Loaded my old game up after Edge runners. Even more satisfying even though the

The “fuckable meat” quote was not directed at V. Did you play the game or Atleast pay attention when you did play it. 

As a Studio Square is still great. They are capable of amazing work. It’s the people that at the top that are making dumbass decisions consistently. What I would love to see is the people actually making these games and seeing their work get trampled on fight back against the leadership. It would also technically be a

Square is a great Studio still capable of great things but they’re current leadership keeps making stupid decisions. 

Stop trying to make everything about “trans”. It’s just a male character in heavy clothing that happens to not have a haircut that screams masculinity.

I don’tI don’t know where you got this gym leaders are children crap from but they aren’t. A few are but for the most part they are adults. More than a few are old men. If we're going by the games one of them is even the leader of Team Rocket and another is the main character's father. 

He should have paid me $100,000. I would personally fight him any time he wanted a match. 

Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to play the game three times to Beat It. There are three chapters the second chapter goes over a big chunk of the first chapter but from the other characters perspective and with a diffreng combat style. The third chapter is completely new story.

Most people are going to avoid using the rarest cards unless they’re playing in a high-level tournament and that card also happens to be a strong card that they need in their deck. With Pokemon cards Rarity and how good the card is to play in a particular deck don’t really have much to do with each other the strongest

I’m expecting jumbo Energies and someone to make jumbo sleeves in the future so that this can be a legitimate deck.

You can buy these individually incredibly cheaply online.

TheThe only thing that prevents them from being legal normally is that if you included a jumbo card in a normal size deck it would be a marked card since you could easily identify it. I think if challenged the judge’s assertion that the cards still counted as marked even though the deck was made up entirely of jumbo

I guess they should have done some hand holding and explained what jumbo cards are but if you’re commenting on an article about a Pokemon card tournament it’s not unreasonable to assume that you know of the existence of these incredibly common jumbo cards. Most pokemon box sets that you would see on the shelves of

Thats sad. Its an amazimg game. Sure there have been bugs but it wasn’t anywhere near the disaster its falsely accused of being. Its main flaw is bad press pushed by idiots. I wasn’t even interest in the game but was looking for a new game to play a couple monts after launch. Ive got around 220 hrs in it in two

Why the hell didn't you play it when you got it? I played it on ps4 a couple monts after release and it was fantastic. Ive got around 220 hrs in two playthroughs. 

I’ve never never seen the movie and I thought it sounded like something I would want to watch, then the author proceeded to spoil the whole damn thing and now I no longer want to watch it. Thanks, ass hat.