
Superficial twaddle.

I see sunken cheeks, not much chest, and creepy-slim like he was chemically stripped of fat. Would bodybuilders see evidence of too-quick weight loss and muscle development? It might be very photogenic though.

Everything seems to be stills, not gifs.

"Scripted largely in rhyming verse by Lee and Kevin Willmott"

He's directing the star-studded "Going in Style". If that does well, this article will be forgotten. But if it's as iffy as I experienced as an extra in the dramatic factory protest scene, it will disappear and this article will remain relevant.
"Going in Style" website:…

How about every year the Academy rethinks their choices and presents the "OSTOs" (the "On Second Thought Oscar" awards) for films released five years previously.

In past years they have even cut away from Santa when he gyrates too much (and Mr. Roker reacts a little shocked)!

The Lego Simpsons was more painful than the Simpsons FG, or at least as bad, so the two shows are equal in that way. Thing is they can both try again later.

Watch Ms. Milloti play a baby-voiced tart on 30 Rock to realize how skillful a comic she has been for years!

I enjoyed playing a cult member on The Leftovers despite some very long COLD nights outside shooting. On nice days in the cul-de-sac and in the kitchen we got to smoke herbal cigarettes and look badass, LOL! It was fun working with Justin Theroux, Amy Brenneman, Ann Dowd, and Liv Tyler; the camera loves them, and the

Brush Script is the real offender that is getting away with typographic murder while we all watch the carnage and remain silent!!!

All Duran Duran. You think you caught a kernel of momentum and bang, you're left with nothing.