
That was in regards to your lecturing me on privilege, etc, as you do not know my life experience.

Benevolent sexism is a term which requires acceptance of patriarchy theory, which I do not do. However, since you seem to be arguing in good faith, I'll get back to this in more detail when I have time later.

I'm the exemplar of my own life experience, which was my point.

Cute thing to say to a twice victim of rape by a woman.

Your first link is out because it fudges the numbers and resorts to apex fallacy. The second won't load.

I kinda skipped most of your post once you said that gender symmetry in DV was a myth, but heres a link examining the rape numbers and DV numbers:

First off, the 1 in 4 stat is for sexual assault, which can be anything from rape to getting your ass pinched. Its a popular thing for some organizations to group the numbers together in order to make it more shocking. Same with DV numbers, which is offensive considering that women beat their partners more often by

Open my eyes? I thought anecdotal evidence was frowned upon?

How is that supposed to prove that women have it harder? You're aware that women Make up the majority of college enrollments and grads, don't you?

WUT. Women make up the majority of college enrollments and graduations, control the majority of spending (in the US, anyway) and make up the majority of the vote.

I dunno if I would put that all on him, same as I wouldn't give him all the credit for catching Osama. He might sign off on those things, but he's not really the one making it all happen.

I'm asking you according to whose authority. Your opinion is not the authority.

And you should step down from your ivory tower one of these days.

Can you link me to where this fact is documented?

Do you have experience living my life?

I hope not. That would be his only display of balls to date.

Different weight? According to what authority?

Please don't lecture us on why "wimminz have it wars" when you don't have a fucking clue into the male life experience.

I hope he said "I apologize for calling you attractive."

It's "muh fuckahs." Proper grammar is important.