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    >> based on transposed address numbers, no less

    I was about to say, if Jed Bartlet was on this list, he'd win at least 49 states – if South Carolinians were able to get over Kevin Spacey's atrocious attempt at their accent.

    No "Ms. Knope Goes to Washington"?

    As a non-diehard fan of Dylan, admittedly, I did not finish this very lengthy write up on this forgotten VHS tape.

    If there was any "crime" committed here, it was the ten second soundbite approach to reporting this. If Yorke acted in any kind of oversight it was simply making a correlation out of context – though he seemed to qualify it with his "English" follow-up. Yes, the Nazis did horrendous things aside from stealing art, but

    "…something about being covered in blood, not knowing if the blood on you was yours or your friend's."