DLRPL8Z (Nice car. You spin that?)

I think he is also competing in the Oppression Olympics. like it’s a zero sum game and you have to claw your way over other people.  it sucks. I used to like him too.

now they do. which is exactly why Johnny is doing this. he wants to destroy her. and if he can’t do that, he’ll tank her career (having already tanked his own).

I am firmly Team No One. but using the court as a bludgeon is gross.

he’s also probably just *nice* to them. considering how many assholes there are in the entertainment industry, he’s probably a breath of fresh air. I’d go out with him.

Cruz, I wouldn’t spit on if he were on fire. (if he wasn’t on fire and was within rage I’d consider it tho)

since it happens so much, it is clearly part of the job.
they should receive proper training on how to maintain a professional demeanor while on the job. if they can’t remain professional they shouldn’t be in that line of work.

he’s a combination of Beavis and Butthead. it’s uncanny.

funny you should post this, because to me Gaetz looks exactly like the demon offspring of Beavis and Butthead would look. huh huh huh can’t unsee!

either that, or they call us whores.

how long does it last? more to the point, does it fade evenly?

I read the damn article. I have an opinion about those sneakers with the ugly pink on them. but thanks for your assumption.

and definitely one of the ways they went after Michelle herself!

those are going to be the ones in the discount bin. everything else will probably sell out.

god bless the goths. at least you can still get most things in black!

not a weed entrepreneur - she’d go out of business!

I bet David Tracy could use a shed!
they make a floor for it or is it just sitting in the dirt?

it’s beyond that... it is an autoimmune disorder, where the immune system starts attacking hair follicles. it’s not just “hair falling out.”

people are also conveniently forgetting how much shit Demi got for her shaved head, even tho everyone knew it was for a role. the level of disingenuity around this is obnoxious.

they can get tax breaks for actual charity performed. running a food bank? taking in the homeless? great, you get a tax break! just here to collect money and yell at people? pay your taxes like any other business.

I totally appreciate the headline writer here! I saw this elsewhere and thought, omg, what happened to August Darnell?! completely forgetting the other Kid(d) Creole. Didn’t help that they also left off the second d.

if a thong fits properly and isn’t made from scratchy material, it is actually quite comfortable. they were originally designed for dancers, and if you can plié in it, it has to be comfortable. I’d prefer one to the wedgie panties, but they probably don’t want to put that in their ad.

I love Lizzo and I look forward to

that’s nice. I’m waiting for him to apologize to Jada.

wigs are fun! and also, I bet many of us see people wearing wigs way more often than we realize. it’s only the obvious ones that anyone even notices.