DLRPL8Z (Nice car. You spin that?)

I wrote Kimmel off years ago because of the cruel halloween candy prank he encouraged people to play on kids, for years.

Go through them now and save yourself time and stress.

I’m over 50 and I have known that racism was wrong (and stupid) since I figured out that it existed - around 8. It’s just as wrong now as it ever was. Just because (most) (white) people were ok with that sort of thing back then doesn’t mean it was ever actually ok.


I saw that. I think subsequent comments pointed out examples of good cops who did things like stop another cop from brutally assaulting someone, exposing corruption etc. All of them were fired in short order.

[raises hand] I totally get your point. So many white people are garbage.

They have always been out of control. But, as you mention, now nearly everyone has a video camera in their pockets.

For years and years white supremacists have waged a campaign to hire more racist cops. Seems like it worked.

All Cops Are Bullies

They send cops because only the police have the right to force you to come with them if you are over 18. What they need to do is send a mental health professional to interact with the person, and have the cops there as backup.

I was wondering about that. Thanks.

That’s harsh. I fucking miss Deadspin! Fuck Herb Spanfuller. I’m still mad.

It very easily can be. I have friends who blog about parenting while respecting their kids’ privacy and dignity, so I just don’t see it as an absolute.

Yeah... you don’t love him because he’s smart! I do admire his determination and mail order skillz. But I’m Team Roadrunner. Beep beep!

OTHO I have seen four therapists over the years (one was a WOC) and none of them were ever the slightest bit racist. Therapy has helped me immensely (thanks, Obama!) and it is so worthwhile to find someone you click with. Many of them have info online, and of course natakwaali is correct - you can call and ask

I suspect she has an assistant whose job it is to send her only the best, most positive comments.

Because deer can’t shoot guns?

There are cool “mommy bloggers.” It can be done in a non exploitative/sociopathic way. Statistically, there will always be terrible people pretty much anywhere. This chick is definitely one of them.

I see no apology. I see rationalization and weaselly language. And opportunism. So much opportunism. Hopefully this will sink her loathsome “brand.”

She lives in NYC and drinks Na(s)tty? With all the other options?

Suits her personality tho.

Let’s hope she gets ID’d soon. And not at the packie!

Check out the big(ly) smudge of kryolan theater makeup on his collar. They’re going to have to just throw that shirt away. It will never come out. If I had to choose a favorite photo of that asswipe it would be this one.

The Beckys are no match for the Beyhive! Bee-lieveit.

I saw a dude walking down the street yesterday wearing a black tshirt with INCEL printed on it. I had to look twice to make sure. WT actual F?

We need to keep one eye open with all politicians. Kamala is smart and competent and hopefully would bring her considerable powers to bear for good. #BlueNoMatterWho