DLRPL8Z (Nice car. You spin that?)

Yep! He was an attorney. I’m sure he picked it up in law school.
LOL that it came out of prohibition! I guess there was one upside!

And because the confederate traitors wouldn’t let go until they were directly forced, even after losing.
It needs to be a federal holiday. Along with election day.

Holy shit indeed!

Brunch is far superior, and often includes cocktails. I’m down.

Starred for adorable doggo. Who could resist those eyes?!

Yeah, and he was all, “go ahead and try to tow it!” LOL.

My pa always used to say that the freedom to swing your arm ends at the other person’s nose.

“I suspect has no inner monologue” is a sick burn!

Huh. You’d think given that they’d be right at home.

Twitter has been saying that there is a reason no one ever wrote a song called “fuck the firemen.” Ya think?

Part of the reason for this is that Texas has managed to get near complete control over what goes into textbooks.

It’s absolutely promoting particular ideological and social agendas. It’s vile.
They have been getting away with this for years.

That’s awesome. Would drive!

That’s really good. I usually refer to it as Gag in the Bag.

Hey, increased workload should come with a pay raise!

My bengalcat is the Fly Slayah! All I have to do is collect the corpses. She gets the good food so almost never actually eats them, but just taking them out is a fair deal in my book.

Iowa writers’ workshop? I used to live in Iowa City and thought it would be the coolest possible thing to be part of. Sorry to hear it sucked.

We don’t really know who the author is. It could all be white chick fanfic.

The difference is that hair stylists do what the client wants.

Tho, considering her “clients” were D&G, Prada, etc etc... she probably was doing what they want. #wipepo

He has plenty of time on his hands now that he’s unemployed.

Marty Singer is also Tom Cruise’s attorney. He works for all the rich assholes.