Dlo Burns

and yet it's still more educational than creationism

I had NSF Carbon I think it was, and I honestly had more fun customizing cars like a little girl playing dress up with dolls.

Gordon is alive? DIIIIIVE!

the A Team dubbed into Dutch does sound pretty hilarious to me.

I admit I don't watch it much anymore ( mostly due to an overabundance of family guy), but I do appreciate that they reach out to the audience in other ways like putting out mixtapes.

@beast_of_man I went on one of those, it was actually quite nice. It didn't have that horrible 'floating Las Vegas' feeling I got from other cruises. Also it's much harder to get seasick on a river.

And they cost like $100 to make, tops

I think "ok I'll sit down and play something I haven't played yet" and then I just end up playing TF2 until I get a drop (still mad I haven't gotten a Rescue Ranger).

at this point they might as well film someone reading the comic.

I would like to see a sci-fi themed wrestling show though.

Wait, shouldn't it be Black Canary who does the screaming?

is Forrest Whitaker available?

also if they didn't have those stupid outdoor lockers

That movie is distilled silver-age crazy, as curated by Richard Prior.

could you imaging having a heart attack or a seizure, you blackout, and the next thing you know Chang has his hands all over you.

There's a bunch of stellar short stories (typically three chapters) available on kindle for a dollar apiece. The one I would recommend the most is 'Don't eat cat'.

The A.V. Club
basic competence without anything interesting or captivating

she has live a very adventurous life

Didn't he start off as a Titans villain though?

““Never mind, everything is crap again!""