
But what if the tailgaters has a red shell?

Jose Fernandez: so much fun.

To me, this GIF ends the rebuttal from the traditionalists.

You probably typed this with your wifi turned on, which we all know causes electromagnetic fields that impact the macroflavotrol of the post. Nice try, Big Milk shill.

But it’s been a great week for guys who have killed and were on your fantasy team in 2010 (see: Harrison, Marvin).

I’m no fan of Tom Brady, but I don’t have an opinion to put here after that statement.

I totally agree. So many people are like “agh this show is awful!” and it’s like “yeah... it’s always been awful. what did you expect?” It’s not like it was some sophisticated art or something. It was a corny family sitcom. Why are we so shocked that the reboot is another corny family sitcom? What were we hoping for?

Yes you are mistaken, in that she is doing both. Her theory of what they did wrong is negligence and/or willfully giving out her room number/whatever else, and she is then able to show how that damaged her, whether through personal financial loss through loss of sponsorship or emotional distress or whatever else.

Yeah, that criminal who stalked her and then put naked pictures of her on the internet really did her a solid! Where does she get off complaining? Some bitches just can’t take a compliment.

said everyone ever until they need one of us. Then all of the sudden your client is pure as the driven snow, loves lawyers, and wants you to fuck over the other guy, who is of course “an asshole”. But we love you all.

He’s doing his job to the best of his ability.

Lawyers are “just the best” until you or your business needs one.

Scalia might have even sided with Apple in this case judging by his history in regrads to government overreach in this particular area.

I’m not so sure this would’ve been a deadlock even with Justice Scalia still on the court. They ruled unanimously in favor of a warrant requirement for searching cell phones in Riley v. California. That’s apples and oranges with this issue (since we’re now discussing the details of a pair of cases/searches in which a

The Knicks flat out killed any chance they had of winning with Anthony by trading for him.

Obviously he’d noticed a series of microfractures within the Knicks organization.

“See? We’ve been telling you about black-on-black crime.”

uh this was Josh MORGAN, not Josh GORDON.

So, it looks like we’ve finally discovered what it takes to get the police to prosecute someone for accidentally shooting a black man.

Geez, this last season of Portlandia is taking a dark turn...