
"On Saturday, a coalition of far-right Trump supporters held a rally that eventually climaxed in an act of terrorism"

How I understand it is: vaccinations for different diseases have different efficacy rates, but that rate generally isn't 0 (ie. if you get X vaccine and are exposed to X disease you still have Y% chance of getting the disease)

The problem with the "disagreement of opinion is good" argument is that in this specific case you're running up against limits. One is that there must be some point at which a candidate's actions are so reprehensible that to adhere to a strict "lowering of taxes" voting strategy would constitute such a lack of

"I didn't say I only focus on taxes and my guess would be neither do most republicans. As I said I didn't vote for Trump but I certainly don't dislike anybody who did purely based on that choice."

I'm not the biggest 2Pac fan (music or otherwise) and I hope nothing is glossed over in a potential documentary, but the rhetoric, aggrandizement, etc. etc. present in your list makes me think we need a good 2Pac documentary. So thanks? Hopefully you were doing a parody of something?

My god. Will someone tell me there are other hip-hop releases coming out that aren't listed?

Though I believe all of those twist off caps have a plastic seal on the inside that is mildly difficult to remove? Even with the cap+seal my argument stands.

I mean, I don't want to defend milk bags too much, but the things you have said here are false and misleading. Are you a stooge for this insidious milk jug lobby? Fridge with a rotating fan slicing open the bags - that's a real concern? I haven't spilled milk snipping the end off of a bag since I was a child and it is

A white supremacist who would be very pleased that his appointment caused you to stop discussing race issues in big-budget movie casting in order to focus on him.

Also my first pick! Agree heavily with Nathan Rabin as well - see the instrumental "coltsfoot leaf" for evidence:

So let's just say "The Roots"?

Wait… "The Tonight Show Band"?! Explain please.

This is actually mildly troubling. AV Club rids itself of rap music and replaces it with fast food. "backs away from the AV Club".

I suspect that is more of a "my era" thing than a reality. Guru, while great and one who stands up better today than most of his contemporaries, I would argue was not more topically complex than whoever would be the "Guru" of today.

What's the indication that this is the "first single" from their new album, or even on the album? Could just be a one-off promo song no?

I think a great number of musical, cultural and economic forces I would suspect. For one, the increasing complexity has allowed the rap song/album to become more of an intimate journey into one person's mind, rather than a wide angle look in to a world. The back-and-forth interplay of those older groups is more

"Meh" not necessarily meaning bad, but more in the sense of it seems like it didn't provoke a strong reaction - not meaning you had to either love it or hate it, but I'd like to get the sense reading this review that you thought after listening, "I really have a lot to say about this frank ocean album"

Very strange review:

For anyone who likes J-Zone I would recommend the documentary "Adult Rappers". He is featured in it along with many others you will likely recognize.

"Over time, the revelatory becomes familiar, and I’ve never really known what to do about that as a film critic."