dont think youd really call yourself a golfer either if you went out 3 times a year and shot a 125 on 18 at the municipal course. your metaphors kind of just prove his point
dont think youd really call yourself a golfer either if you went out 3 times a year and shot a 125 on 18 at the municipal course. your metaphors kind of just prove his point
I might have painted it with a broad brush in my first comment, but that was to make a point. The reality is that too many parents watch kids sports not out of the sense that you are talking about. they watch it to have a competition of who is the best parent and live through the kids. Even parents with a positive…
That’s a false dilemma. Obviously the ideal is that parents can just let kids be kids and enjoy the game.
theres something so fundamentally weird about watching kids sports in the first place. If it’s for the kids own good, let them have an empty field with their coach. If its for your own entertainment then keep doing what were doing now
So when did Wendy have her surgery?
why didn’t the first receiver just punt it out of bounds?
saw it in a CFB game before, but I’m also a rules nerd. My friends were really impressed when I explained to them why the Matt Jones fumble a couple of weeks ago was a touchback
whats going on with that host’s shoulder?
probably backwards. Cool Pope is like “Yeah that Kim Davis lady is so holy,” and Vatican advisors are facepalming like “Fuck this is going to mess up the recruitment effort in USA and all our attempts to package this pope as cool...”
I think it’s equally possible that Cool Pope’s advisors are the ones pushing the “Cool Pope” motif (catholic rolls are down, worldwide effort to get catholics to “come home”) and he’s not 100% down. HE’s still pro-life, still anti-equal marriage, and doesnt get why hanging out with Kim Davis is bad PR. All of the…
whats the odds on Kanye going off script and raising hell about Bernie getting jobbed by the DNC?
this deserves more stars...
sorry not sorry that i’m going to snitch on your bitch ass and make sure the flight attendant forces you to check it next time i see you
no. She actually has been around for a while and puts up legit policy proposals. Some are radically right wing to the point of nationalism, but can’t really compare to Trump who is charlie sheen with worse hair
he diverted state school funding from public schools that educate the poor to private ones that educate the wealthy;
We stayed up countless nights in a row making the perfect paddles for our ‘big sisters’ — and when we gave our bigs the paddles they put on an act to make it seem like they didn’t like it after we spent so many days (and money) making them
this guy is such an idiot. He was out there marching with a racist white teachers union against gov walker in wisconsin. Their main objection was Gov Walker giving away education money to poor black parents so they can opt out of their shitty union run public school. He’s precisely the kind of “class not race” liberal…
“And the court of public opinion, while not useless, is not useful enough, because anybody who believed such statements to begin with is not going to listen to any debate on their merits once the words are out there.”
I think I accurately cut to the chase on this statement and am not being ridiculous.
I’m sure there’s…
Ummm not sure where you got that from. I think the defamation standards in place now are fair. But you’re conflating issues here.
(1) One issue is where to draw the line at defamation, which is a compromise between rectifying a harm to a specific person and the first amendment right to free speech. I think the standard…