
I said it was opportunistic and idiotic to compare THIS situation to jim crow.

You sarcastically said something about opportunism in the time of jim crow bla bla.

So I am correcting you by letting you know the opportunism is now, and that your invoking of Jim Crow “opportunism” doesnt make sense because the opportunism

Probably should have made it clear i wasnt referring to jim crow, but from context should have been obvious.

That person sounds like an opportunistic idiot and we shouldn’t give that idea any more coverage or credence.

don’t fucking compare this to jim crow you scum. Paying different prices for different products is not at all similar

i do weird picking type stuff too man, but you totally just scared me off of my minor cheek biting habit. I like spicy food too talk about getting to a point of bleeding

omg! Does it not hurt after? I do it a little tiny bit, near the corner of my mouth, but big chunks?!

read my response again then reply...

Still stupid?

I’ll explain:

There are two issues here:

(A) The opportunity available to pharmacists to decline service for ANY legal reason. Whether its liability, professional judgment, or religious objection.

(B) Using that opportunity for a religious objection.

A is different than B.

well the opportunity to decline to do isnt restricted to that. the pharmacist doesnt have to give a reason. Just bc someone can be using this opportunity for the wrong reason doesnt mean its an inherently bad rule to have

because the pharmacist is giving you pills without a doctor’s orders there can be liability incurred if say, they forget to ask you an important question and you get injured as a result. its easier to just opt out altogether

yeah but at the same time if you gave up your whole life for something like this for over a year you’d be pretty pissed too

def not

and a bunch of MRAs wrote that they “didn’t want to hear about” UVA. And racists wrote that they “didn’t want to hear about” Freddie Gray. And homophobes wrote that “they didn’t want to hear about” Michael Sam.

Saying “I don’t hate them, I just don’t care” is an easy way for privileged people to oppress others. This

i’m glad to know that jezebel is the new place for vindictiveness instead of progress. “Let’s push other women down instead of living our values...that will grow our movement!!”

so a woman being harassed by a man doesnt deserve any empathy? you sound kind of like a real dick

I think thats pretty extreme, but history won’t treat them kindly for sure

Rhetorical tip: Try to avoid comparisons of ideological opponents to slavery/nazism/genocide/etc, unless they are actually engaging in one of those things. Otherwise you just look like the crazy person

this is just as ridiculous but you are actually accurately representing their views as opposed to others here

that provision clearly speaks to breach you dolt.

Also you don’t understand how contracts works. One party’s unilateral declaration of a breach doesn’t nullify the contract, especially where the terms speak to how to address breaches. But even without such a term, the dispute would have to be decided by mutual


Does nobody remember what the 2008 process was like with the junior black senator with a muslim sounding name who according to everyone had NO chance of winning the nomination or the presidency? Jesus christ these Hillary true believers are so dense sometimes

It’s almost like big business and mainstream media WANT you to disdain third party efforts...