Also in love with her: the Koch Brothers, for her affection for fracking
Also in love with her: the Koch Brothers, for her affection for fracking
The same Autumn Burke that loves fracking and living off the Koch-topus?
Consider me team#NoOne here:
“Unions have always been plagued by socialists and anarchists who use laborers to destroy the free-enterprise system that hardworking Americans have created.”
—Not false, but that’s good. The ‘Free enterprise” system fucking sucks
If 3 out of 4 Downs children werent aborted then maybe your point would be well taken
Maybe im one of the protestors lol
i wish more straight sex would happen in saunas. It’s really fucking awesome but the only people who agree with me are gay guys
shit would probably get done in that world because no one on MSNBC/FOX would light your shit up for voting for tax cuts/gaymarriage
shhhh....ive tried so many times to explain why Roe isn’t the law anymore and 9/10 I get shouted down bc people think I’m trying to say Roe was “wrong” or some bullshit. Just let people say Roe, it was the precedent Casey relied on anyway
something tells me youre embellishing that story. Every PP I’ve been to has clear guidelines about who is allowed on their property, including the parking lot
as the aunt of a special needs child id like to leave you with a big FUCK YOU
20 weeks isn’t that early though. I had mine at 16 weeks. If there’s an exception for life/health/rape/incest then this shouldn’t be too much of a burden