Anyone else think that that service station is a bit close to the motorway?
Anyone else think that that service station is a bit close to the motorway?
It’s certainly not going to change if we don’t educate and train people properly. The idea that it’s impossible to prevent young people from doing stupid things is pretty ridiculous. I feel bad for your kids, if you have any! Yes, no amount of education and training will eliminate stupidity completely, but we can…
No, this is not a freak accident. A tree falling on your vic is a freak accident. Someone taking a chainsaw to a tree that then falls on your vic has a cause.
Please. Judging by your comment you have no clue..... and I’m being kind.
Fucking hell. I’m sitting on the couch right now with my 4-year old daughter snuggled against me. I cannot imagine a more horrible thing to experience. My heart goes out to that father.