
the FoST and FiST were never about straight line speed, they’re about having fun in the corners, and having fun rowing through the gears. I had a muscle car before I bought an ST, it was way faster in the straights, but day to day the ST is more fun. I doubt the Edge lives up to that.

Holy smoking clutches. That’s not how you left foot brake!

At a two way you yeild to cross traffic and if the two stopped cars have a conflict, straight goes first over turning, and right turns get priority over left.

He’s talking about two cars arriving at a stop sign at the same time. You yield to the car on the right, who gets to go first.

I’m one of those bigger drivers (5'10" 300#) in a ‘16 FoST with Recaros, and I love the seats. Wouldn’t even consider base seats.

I’m 6' and 275, and I love the Recaros in my FiST. I also find the FiST roomier up front than the FoST, as the console is narrower.

Technically, the RA is a pathetic nod to a WRX that was bred for The Ring.

Christ, you’re like the guy last week telling me it’s ok to drive your WRX like a rally car because “pedigree” but then bitching about blowing up transmissions when driven as such.

It’s a sporty commuter car that has almost nothing in common with a rally spec car other than drivetrain layout and branding.

“The Charger is the last RWD full-size American sedan.” — sure yes, but there are other RWD full-size sedans out there for somebody looking for a full-side sedan. And “American” is a misnomer for a car assembled in Canada for a company run by Italians.

Swedish death metal gets my vote.


Dude, elsewhere in the business world competitive bids are sent, deals are negotiated, and contracts are signed for many many millions of dollars all via email. Why should buying a car be any different.

Screw you, I get $30 and its all going to end up coming from my refund next year anyway. All praise be to your idiot orange master, comrade....

I think the more important number is 360 lbs over the outgoing model.

...I assume that someone who is struggling to pay a $100 parking ticket doesn’t have a driveway to park in...

maybe she doesn’t have $100 at any given time

some hate it others loathe it...

Hoonigan is terrible. I wanted to like it, but it’s just a bunch of douchebags with no personality playing with shitty cars in an area the size of a basketball court. How do these people make money?

No, they’re not, at least not the 4-cyl ecoboost engines. They’re all DI only, unless you add in an aux fuel rail for port injection, and none of them come with catch cans from Ford.

You can thank the car-dealer lobby for that. Like most manufacturers, Kia cannot sell directly to the public by law and thus the dealers can (and will) charge whatever they can get away with. Historically dealers price-gouge on popular cars, and they always will.