
never speak ever again

Uhhh, no.

Before anyone asks: No, I’m not proud of that joke, but it took me a few seconds to line it up correctly so I wasn’t going to NOT post it. Still not proud of it.

The reading comprehension ability in this comment section makes me die a little inside...

Harley by Mahindra

And they pay gas taxes when going to costco or whatever. It’s not a zero sum, at all, and this kind of “WAR ON CARS” post is endemic to lazy thinkers.

I say we regulate vehicles proportional to how big and joyless they are.

CA resident here with really high gas taxes to cover infrastructure costs. Also, we have crap infrastructure because the money never goes where it should.

The bigger issue is making sure that any gas tax hike is dedicated to infrastructure while not decreasing any current allocations. I live in NC and when the state created the “education lottery”, all proceeds were required to go to education, so lawmakers just cut the same amount of education funding derived from

Pro Tip: Millenials are also adults...(I agree with you about the i30N though)

Keep doing the Lord’s work. Somebody needs to eat that depreciation.


Aw, heck. I ride (BMW & Harley in the stable just now), and I stay the heck away from these guys. Only thing worse than being in traffic with a Hayabusa: Having Johnny Law think you’re pals with the Hayabusa.

Interesting. Makes you really want to trust the other sensor-based stuff.... autopilot....

i fucking hate these hoonigan guys

Im on board with being completely annoyed with Hoonigan videos. Stupid videos, bad personalities.

I made it 20 seconds in before the shakycam and overediting convinced me this wasn’t worth my time. This Alfa never did anything to deserve this.

Actually if you know you owe $7500 less in taxes you just ask your employer to withhold $7500/24 (or 26 depending on your pay period) less from each paycheck and use that difference to cover the higher payment. You don’t have to overpay taxes then wait until the end of the year to get the credit back. In fact you

Sure, but make sure you can get the basics done first.

You do realize that a loooot of what I said was negative, right