
If you go on the local PDs Facebook page they are going after those people as well.

I never said it was right, but its a easily exploitable tool at their disposal so they are going to use it.

You Sovereign Citizen types crack me up. 

There are some places inside West Memphis city limits that are a single house on a road backed up by their farm. I would not call that a community.

Declaring a emergency likely allows them to do almost whatever the fuck they want.

The interesting part about your comment is its not even really relevant as they are going after ANY non running vehicle. So your only car broke, fuck you here is a fine.

It flows like fuel, but it also could be really hot light oil, I know Gushi had a oil fire in his first year behind the wheel of the BRZ/FRZ thing he drove. That was a pretty interesting run, he just kept going.

Huh, you might want to contact the judge directly to get it from the horses mouth if the transcripts from the judge and Felton’s statements are not good enough.

I would put money on your assumption.

Don’t expect that adaptive headlight tech to make it here to the US. If it does it will likely be disabled but hopefully owners will find a way to turn it on.

I can’t tell if you are serious and missed the joke or trolling.

Ford is really into this ambiguous car thing lately. First the Fiesta is just a mash up of over small hatchbacks and now the Focus, its part Volvo, Hyundai, and Mazda, no Ford made its way in there.

The new kids keep it going, many of us that started out watching and aiming to be in it have decided there is fun to be had elsewhere. With the exception of the drama or in this case car-b-ques its grown stale.

Fredrico said it was fuel lines. Now that could be his ASL losing something in translation but still, it was not very good routing of oil or fuel. People are defending this with shit like “Name a car without fuel or oil lines routed close to suspension.” The only valid response there is shut the fuck up and go

Having driven that section of road hundreds of times without hitting that same barrier, I can say had the driver been doing his job he would still be alive. That is of course not including someone hitting him into the barrier and the cars steering failing, situations which we have yet to be told about.

If he wins he now has good marketing material and more money.

So conspiracy time, he was going to crash all along, he just had to work up the nerve to actually do it. Though likely he just was not so great and crashed.

It sounds like his gyroscope enclosed bike is all he should ever be on.

Amazon has already offered up their test track so long as they release The Stig unharmed.

Something something... the rings not dirt... something something.

Have I just been living under a rock or has the ringtone industry died off? I have not heard anyone with anything but the default ringtone for their phone in 5+ years.