
Possibly, but it came out looking like a BMW Z. Its just missing the grill and the lights.

Looks like BMW had quite the hand in the aesthetics of this thing.

No, he practically gives them away.*

Spoken like a true shady salesman.

Making this model seems like a logical move that should boost sales of the Bolt which has struggled at the beginning of this year after a strong finish in 2018.

Your PDF shows they are louder in some of those cases listed. It isn’t much. The guys who were saying it was louder were all shocked at how much louder it was but maybe because it was because this was like 2011 and the aircraft was still in development.

F-35s are a tad louder. Actually supposedly a LOT louder. When I was in the Navy we had some aircrew on board who had a preview of it and they were saying even with double ear protection it was louder than the super hornet.

F-35s are a tad louder. Actually supposedly a LOT louder. When I was in the Navy we had some aircrew on board who had a preview of it and they were saying even with double ear protection it was louder than the super hornet.

I was watching the Chico nightly news on Saturday and the anchor, who had already misspoken 15 times in 10 minutes, called Chris Harris Chris Evans. Do you sue for defamation at that point?

Were they operating F-35s out of there?

As someone who lives in the mountains that never had a flight path over it until last month because the FAA could not agree to a silent descent path, I can see why they would be pissed about the F35.

At a minimum it was his back yard, and he still has connections there. Not disagreeing with you here, just saying its where Ben & Jerry’s got their start.

At a minimum it was his back yard, and he still has connections there. Not disagreeing with you here, just saying its where Ben & Jerry’s got their start.

I will say this, my tall friends me shit for being short at 5'7" but I can sit with a helmet in pretty much any car out there no problem. I feel for this kid not being able to just get into any car he wants, but he seems to be using his height for something he likes doing so that’s awesome.

Now playing

Was it GM that gave Ford shit for the step in their tailgate? If it was they are really just shooting themselves in the foot every time they criticize the best selling truck in the US.

EDIT: Why yes, yes it was. GM, you now have a “Man Step.”

OP is talking about 62 pounds over the non carbon version. Your comment is still out of place as its not 360lbs lighter than the lower trim.

No it is not 360lbs of weight reduction. It is 62, the truck weighs 360 less than the outgoing generation. That 298 lbs could be accounted for anywhere in the truck.

So when are they going to have a commercial with people tossing weighted tool boxes on the corners into the bed?

You make it sound like she paid the $1400.

Kim is common for both men and women, just not so common for a man in the US.